Vehicle Registration, Parking, and Driving Regulations

所有CIU社区成员都有责任了解并遵守以下规定. Any changes to vehicle registration, 停车和/或驾驶规则将通过The Insider和/或我的网站发布

Vehicle Registration

Faculty, staff, and students [Off-Campus (Commuter), On-Campus (Residence Hall), 和松景居民]必须登记每一辆在校园行驶的车辆, including motorcycles. 登记必须于首次在校驾驶车辆后一周内完成.

Students: register vehicles and pay the decal fee online at; decal fee is added to your student account. After registration, parking decals may be picked up at the appropriate office (Student Life Office for all students except those in Pine View; Pine View Office for residents of Pine View). 无论注册了多少辆车,每个家庭每年/学期只需要支付一次费用(每年40美元或每学期25美元)。. 未登记的车辆停放在校园里可能会被处以50美元的罚款. 需要临时通行证的学生可以到学生生活办公室领取.

Faculty/Staff: 通过人力资源部(HR)登记和领取徽章,不收取任何费用

On-campus contract service employees: register and pick up decals through Security – no charge

Guests: 校园访客和学生在校园内使用车辆两周或以下时,可免费获得访客停车证. 客人通行证可在保安处或行政大楼接待处领取.

Decal Placement on Vehicle

Cars and Vans: 停车标志必须贴在车辆的前面和后面. 前(驾驶员侧)挡风玻璃的顶部或底部,后(驾驶员侧)-左后保险杠或后窗的左下外角,以便清楚地看到贴花.

Convertibles: 停车贴花必须显示在左后保险杠上,以便贴花清晰可见.

Motorcycles: 停车贴花必须显示在任何面向后的部分,使贴花清晰可见.

Detached trailers parked on campus: 拖车必须登记,并在舌或框架的左侧挂点附近显示贴花,以便贴花清晰可见. 拖车必须停在创始人大厅后面的非指定位置.

CIU学生更改校园身份(居住或工作),必须在一周内取下旧的停车标识,并将新标识贴在车辆上. Vehicle decals must match a student’s current campus status. 当车辆所有权变更时,停车标志应从车辆上取下.

Designated Parking Regulations


ADA spaces: 预留予同时持有残疾人士泊车许可证及CIU泊车贴的车辆使用

Visitor: Reserved for true visitors only; not available for temporary parking Thirty minute parking spaces at Rossi Student Center: Available for use by any CIU community member or visitor for no longer than 30 minutes

Parking and Driving Regulations, Violations and Penalties

Parking and driving regulations are in effect 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year, including nights, weekends and holidays. CIU is not responsible for any loss of, or damage to, vehicles or the contents of vehicles parked on its premises.

在CIU校园内停车和驾驶是一种特权,可能会因为不安全的驾驶行为或反复违反停车和驾驶规则而被撤销. CIU社区成员有责任确保其车辆的所有驾驶员了解并遵守CIU停车和驾驶规则. Security must be notified when a mechanical problem forces a vehicle to be parked outside a parking space or needs to be left in a parking space; vehicles must be moved within five days.


The following are violations of campus regulations:

Decal and Parking Violations

  • Vehicle without a proper decal
  • Decal improperly displayed or not readable
  • Vehicle not parked within a parking space
  • 路边停车,罗西学生中心的短期停车位除外(30分钟). 当员工工作时,工厂的车辆可以停在路边.
  • Parking on the grass and under trees
  • Double parking outside of authorized spaces
  • Blocking a fire hydrant
  • Blocking the roadway or entrance
  • Double parking or blocking another vehicle
  • Parking in an ADA space without proper credentials
  • Parking in “No-Parking” areas
  • 将一辆独立的拖车停放在创始人大厅后面的任何地方,除了未指定的地方

Traffic Violations

  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving (careless/unsafe driving)
  • Driving on the grass or athletic fields
  • Disregarding one-way traffic signs & other posted signs and signals
  • 不服从校园保安人员的交通指示

Violations may result in a citation being issued. 校园停车违章罚款必须在罚单发出之日起5天内到会计处缴纳,否则可能会受到处罚. 重复停车和交通违规可能导致额外的罚款或处罚, vehicle immobilization, vehicle towing, 失去在校园内的驾驶和停车特权或学生账户的注册保留.

Citation Appeal Procedures

Citation Appeal Forms are available in the Student Life Office. 上诉表格和引用必须在引用之日起五(5)天内返回学生生活办公室,供学生和安全主任审查. Appeal requests received later than five (5) days are not accepted.